Teamwork Process Among Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) Participants. Case Study in Hulu Langat District

  • Nur Asiyah Che Saari Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • Wan Munira Jaafar Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • Nobaya Ahmad Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Keywords: Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, microcredit, teamwork process, teamwork performance


The present research sought to examine the teamwork performance among AIM microcredit participants based on Tuckman (1965) model. Hence, the author elaborates the level of teamwork process such as forming, norming, storming and performing in a group among AIM participant in Daerah Hulu Langat. The AIM is replication of the Grameen Bank approach in Malaysia and the teamwork concept was apply which is the scheme must be apply in a group and not in individual. Self- administrative questionnaire was applied to conduct a data collection and a sample of 160 respondents among participant from Sungai Gabai, Sungai Ramal, Sungai Chua, Sungai Tangkas, Bukit Mewah, Semenyih and Sungai Jelok in Kajang were chosen based on stratified and simple random sampling techniques to complete the survey. Researcher suggests the finding indicate that the high level stage in teamwork process is forming, storming and performing stage. Only norming stage was in moderate level. Consequently, high and positive teamwork resulted efficiencies in the microfinance group. Teamwork with the right process can achieved positive outcome among AIM microcredit participants.


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How to Cite
Che Saari, N. A., Jaafar, W. M. and Ahmad, N. (2018) “Teamwork Process Among Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) Participants. Case Study in Hulu Langat District”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 3(4), pp. 50 - 59. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v3i4.135.