Understanding The Definition and Characteristics of Dyslexia
Reading skills are an important element for obtaining knowledge in academic learning. Previous research has demonstrated that dyslexia pupils have a major problem with reading skills. The biggest issue of dyslexic pupils includes language learning disorder. Dyslexia could be a long-lasting impedance, and numerous indications hold on into adulthood. Identification of dyslexia at a preliminary phase comes from the ability to notice dyslexia characteristics, for instance, poor handwriting, written expression difficulties, spelling difficulties, reading fluency, and difficulty associating sounds with letters. Nevertheless, the investigation has exhibited that teachers and parents are still unaware of dyslexia. The goal of this article is to explore dyslexia’s definitions and characteristics that are associated with it. Dyslexia comprises different definitions and characters. Each dyslexic pupil encounters indications that are distinctive from each other. Understanding the definition of dyslexia and the character of early dyslexia can assist teachers in planning fitting intercessions for dyslexic pupils. Conclusions: The implications of this work are that it can assist educators in identifying students who have dyslexia characteristics or symptoms.
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