Enchantment of Rural Farmers in Local Values Introducing to Achieve Sustainability of Agricultural
This research was conducted at the Bone-Bone, Enrekang District with an altitude of 1500-2000 meters above sea level. This study aimed to observe and interpret the practice of rice cultivation in rural areas in the charm of the viability of local values for long time. This is done to maintain the existence of complementary and each one so as not to cause harm to each other. The study focuses on actions that do exist when planting rice with the introduction of local values there in is a qualitative research approach to post-positivism in the interpretation of meaning will actions rice planting is done. Determination of the sample has done by snowball sampling in the triangulation of data. This study find that there are some farming practices as part of efforts to blend with the natural surroundings as an integral element between man and his land, plants, animals and other creatures that are nearby.
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