How Do Teachers Implement the Policy of ICT Education for Older Adults? A Study on Policy Implementation in China

  • Jinglin Dai National Higher Education Research Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
Keywords: ICT education, policy implementation, policy implementer, older adults


As information and communication technology (ICT) becomes more prevalent in daily life, the digital gap between the older and younger groups is increasingly huge. ICT education policy for older adults has been issued in China since 2021 to face that challenge. While previous research mainly focuses on the policymakers and older adults, the teachers, regarded as the core implementer at the street level, need to be more concerned. This research uses qualitative research methods to understand the complexity of the implementation process and identify the influence factors in the view of teachers. It found that the number of faculties and suitable teaching equipment is generally ignored. Besides, the awareness of caring for older adults is the most potent factor in achieving the policy. Along with that, the efforts of learning institutions have a positive impact on teachers belief in policy. Recommendations are also threefold: firstly, learning institutions should deliver and express policies, even if they are available online. Secondly, the features of ICT education should consider the faculties and suitable equipment. Finally, cultivating an age-friendly environment is crucial for ICT education and the aging society.


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How to Cite
Dai, J. (2022) “How Do Teachers Implement the Policy of ICT Education for Older Adults? A Study on Policy Implementation in China”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(5), p. e001396. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i5.1396.