Readiness of Physical Education Teachers Implementing Flipped Classroom Approach: A Comparison of Gender and Relationship with Teaching Experience
This study aims to determine the readiness of physical education (PE) teachers in implementing a flipped-classroom approach in teaching. Quantitative methods using descriptive and correlation approaches were conducted on 256 PE teachers. The findings of the study show that the readiness of teachers in terms of institutional support, technology self-efficacy, teacher beliefs, and teaching strategies are at a high level. There was no significant difference in the readiness of PE teachers in implementing a flipped-classroom approach in gender-based teaching. However, a significant relationship occurs between teachers' readiness and experience in teaching PE subjects. The results of this study provide implications for teachers to equip themselves to increase readiness in implementing flipped classrooms. Thus, this study can be used as a stepping stone for future studies to further enhance the readiness and implementation of flipped classrooms among PE teachers.
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