Relationship Between Sports' Club Website Quality and Users' Satisfaction
Today, with the growth of internet usage, sports users can easily interact with other fans or sports organisations. As a result, the website's quality has improved over time. However, there was a dearth evidence demonstrating the website quality related to users' satisfaction. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the most preferred factor of the quality of websites among the website users, identify the most preferred factor of user satisfaction towards the quality of websites, and investigate the relationship between the sports club website's quality and users' satisfaction. Two hundred forty-eight respondents (78.2% were male) from Melaka United Soccer Association fans were involved. The results showed a complementary relationship (C.R.) was the most preferred factor for quality websites and trust was the primary factor of users' satisfaction. Furthermore, there was a relationship between the usefulness of information to users' satisfaction (inertia, trust and satisfaction), ease of use to trust and satisfaction, and a relationship between entertainment and inertia. The results from the research will become a guide to the website administrator to improve the quality, which will increase user satisfaction.
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