Environmental Impact of Reading Literacy Development
Reading literacy is a basic requirement in the process of teaching and learning. It is one of the important skills needed to be mastered, along with writing skills, speaking skills, and listening skills. The term literacy is not a foreign thing in today’s world of education. In this paper, researchers will focus on reading literacy and the relation of environmental factors based on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and literacy development. This theory introduces five systems in the ecology of human development, which are microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. Through this paper, the researcher will try to understand how the environment surrounding the students’ lives will affect their psychological, personality and intellectual development. A good relationship between students and individuals around their surrounding will also make them psychologically balanced human beings. It can also help students to improve their academic performance. In conclusion, a positive environment will help students to achieve excellence, while a negative environment will hamper all such efforts.
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