The Impact of Covid-19 On Migrants and Trafficked Persons in Malaysia

  • Haezreena Begum binti Abdul Hamid Faculty of Law, University Malaya (UM), 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Keywords: Covid-19, Policing migrants, Policing trafficked persons, Detention, Shelters


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted people’s lives, economic status, and daily routine. The extensive scale of the virus has caused fear, confusion and panic throughout the globe spurring states to devise stringent procedures to manage the crisis. In Malaysia, A Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented on 18 March 2020 as a preventive measure to control the spread of the virus. To enforce such restrictions, the government relies heavily on law enforcers, and the criminal justice system to ensure public safety and security. In light of such restrictive measures, those who are severely impacted by such repressive rules are the marginalized communities. This includes trafficked persons, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers as law enforcers seek to use the pandemic to further control their movements and restrict their rights wherever possible. In this instance, xenophobia, anti-immigrant prejudice, intolerance, social exclusion, and discrimination exacerbates the vulnerability of migrants particularly undocumented migrants and trafficked victims. According to human rights activists, these groups are exposed to regular insults, verbal abuse, threat, public shaming and blame by citizens, employers, politicians, and enforcement agencies. Therefore, this article highlights two main points. They are: xenophobia between the dominant populations and the migrant community in Malaysia; state’s policing of migrants and the conditions of the detention centres and shelters in Malaysia. The article concludes by arguing that the policing and ‘protection’ of migrants during the pandemic have resulted in irreparable harm, mistrust, and stress among the migrants which undermines the positive development outcomes of migration.


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How to Cite
Abdul Hamid, H. B. (2022) “The Impact of Covid-19 On Migrants and Trafficked Persons in Malaysia”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(4), p. e001427. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i4.1427.