Effective Communication and Organization Culture in Enhancing Employee’s Work Performance During Work from Home (WFH)

  • Nuratiqah Mohamad Darus Faculty of Communication and Media Studes, UiTM, 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia.
  • Suhaimee Saahar @ Saabar Faculty of Communication and Media Studes, UiTM, 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia.
Keywords: Work from home, Effective communication, Organizational culture


The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus has had an impact on the lives and jobs of communities around the world. The existence of new norms has forced the world community to accept and adapt to living with this virus. In Malaysia, work from home is one of the new norms practiced in every sector to curb the spread of covid-19 pandemics. In Government Link Company (GLC), work from home style working is applied to almost all departments and to high risk individuals. The purpose of this research is to explore the effective communication and organizational culture practices required during work from home when there are changes to employee’s behavior and psychological that affects their work performance. Therefore, the use of effective communication is needed to ensure less constraint in conveying information between employees and employers. This research was conducted by using qualitative method. Data was collected through conducting in-depth interviews with different positions level of employees between ages of 25-40. The semi-structured interview questions were designed to elicit the response towards answering the research questions. The findings suggested that during working from home method, behavior and psychological change affected the style of manage between personal matter and work, at the same time there is interference from the environment. Findings also suggested that the appropriate management style is important to create a good organizational culture and foster mutual trust between employers and employees that help them improve working performance at the same time.


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How to Cite
Mohamad Darus, N. and Saahar @ Saabar, S. (2022) “Effective Communication and Organization Culture in Enhancing Employee’s Work Performance During Work from Home (WFH)”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(5), p. e001478. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i5.1478.