A Review on The Role of Technology Leadership in Teaching and Learning at Higher Learning Institutions in Post COVID-19

  • Ermeey Bin Abd Kadir Student Affairs Unit, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Terengganu, 23000, Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Keywords: Technology, Leadership, Student, Higher learning institutions, Covid-19


When it comes to technology leadership (TL), this paper reviews and discusses how important it is for the community in higher learning institutions (HLI) to be technology leaders, especially in teaching and learning post-COVID-19. Leadership issues in higher learning institutions are looked at in institutional development, faculty development, and student management.  TL person can play a role in these areas. Another topic is how technology changes how HLI is run post-COVID-19.  It includes a description of how technology changes how the higher institution is run. Increasing public awareness of the necessity for TL managers and doctorate students should aim at administrative leadership positions for current policy formation, strategic planning, administration, assessment, and institutional development implementation; and a discussion of the necessary skills and tactics for becoming a technology leader. Attributes of TL professionals should do more than just run distribution units or provide essential services. A prerequisite to drive change in institutional growth, employ technology in the learning process, manage resources, and collaborate effectively with academics to plan education. TL should be able to collaborate with institutional leaders on policy and planning for the deployment of instructional technology, faculty development, and institutional development. The positions that allow TL able to do this. The selected TL persons have formal training in technology in education, instructional media, instructional technology, instructional systems, communication in education, and all their related areas. They have also had previous job experience., so they are called Technology Leadership professionals.


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How to Cite
Abd Kadir, E. (2022) “A Review on The Role of Technology Leadership in Teaching and Learning at Higher Learning Institutions in Post COVID-19”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7(5), p. e001506. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v7i5.1506.