Face-To-Face Learning, Teaching And Learning At Home Need To Go Hand In Hand
This paper discusses the frequency of online teaching was found to affect the acceptance of students who need optimally focused learning over a period of one to two hours. Among the weaknesses identified were due to lack of attraction from the aspect of content presentation, application in boring activities, causing it not to receive immediate response other than environmental disturbances that could lose their learning focus. Researcher used research synthesis to describe approaches to combining, aggregating, integrating, and synthesizing primary research findings. The findings show that in this case face-to-face learning is certainly better because students can stimulate learning directly by various methods individually or in groups by developing the needs of a comprehensive cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Although the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has also taken steps to introduce learning through Education TV, it was found that it is still less able to encourage student participation. They need the involvement of parents in playing an important role in managing learning to be more controlled. The declining level of motivation among children with a large attraction to gadgets presents an incredible challenge to teachers and parents in organizing fun online educational activities. Looking at the various situations in the implementation of PdPR that cause problems to the implementer (teachers and parents) and recipients (students), it is appropriate that the implementation of physical learning should be reintroduced for now. It is also to avoid more problems that include the issue of student dropouts, lack of motivation among parents and pressure on teachers, thus reopening the school is one of the best ways to overcome it.
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