Counselling Intervention for Tobacco and Methamphetamine Addiction (Dual Users)
Statistics released by the National Anti-Drug Agency showed that drug addiction activities are still vigorous. Therefore, this study was done to look at the effectiveness of counselling intervention, specifically involving dual users’ addiction. The subject involved in this case study is a client who is a 30-year-old lady which involved in dual drug use (tobacco and methamphetamine). She is currently under rehabilitation program with Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) Daerah Kinta. Due to the addiction to smoking and substance, it has affected the client in committing responsibilities as mother to her child. Client also experiences emotional stress in view of her husband often forces her to take methamphetamine. Three individual counselling session are conducted. The counseling process has been handled using the Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) approaches. Findings from the intervention session showed that the frequency of smoking was reduced. While the findings on the use of methamphetamine show that the client is determined to quit in the third session, there is no case of relapse. Counseling intervention is effective in helping clients to fight with tobacco and drug addiction. Indirectly, it is also helpful in managing other issues involving mental health of the client.
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