Exploring the Impact of Father's Smoking Habit to Adolescent’s Substance Abuse
Adolescents between the ages of 13 until 17 begin to get addicted to drugs after being exposed to smoking habit at a young age. These students are also involved with truancy and low academic achievement. Therefore, this case study was conducted to look at the role of the family head in particular the effect of a father's smoking habits on the adolescent’s involvement towards smoking cigarette and drug addiction. The student involved in this case is a Form 5 student referred by the Students Affairs Department due to absenteeism from school and was caught vaping in the school’s toilet. The University of Rhode Island of Change Scale (URICA) inventory was used to measure the client's readiness to change and career interest (Inventori Minat Kerjaya, IMK) to help client in career planning after leaving the school. The counselor conceptualized the client’s case using Reality Therapy. The findings show that the influence of father’s smoking habit may increases a son’s desire to try cigarettes and in turn is involved in a bigger problem of drug addiction. Therefore, parents need to be a positive role model and act as a protective factor in preventing adolescent from getting involved with smoking and drug addiction.
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