Reviewing Our TS25: Looking from L1 Window
Change is inevitable in any educational organization as new ideas and research shows that there are better ways to complete a task. Changes should be seen positive as we just cannot stop the world from evolving. As for the Malaysia education system, changes are happening when the government introduces the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2015 or to be more specific, the major agenda that is the School Transformation 2025 (TS25). The blueprints listed several key areas that need to be reformed in various aspects including administration, learning, school climate and surroundings that support the 21st century education. In addition, it is to make education in Malaysia at par with the first world countries. Here, transformation of 11 key areas are highlighted in the blueprint proposed to put Malaysia education to be world class. One of the key areas in the blueprint focuses on the students’ outcomes (Kemenjadian Murid). Based on the plan, transformation in Malaysia education will be looked into the area of standard document (Curriculum), pedagogical aspect and students’ evaluation. This paper however will only focus on the pedagogical aspect and a brief glance of students’ evaluation as it involves both teacher and students. To address further on the issue of pedagogical aspect, this article will look into the practices in L1 context from the writer’s experiences and compare the two contexts.
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