Cyber Risk among High School Students: A Thematic Review

Keywords: Cyber risk, High school student, ATLAS.ti 22, Thematic review


Technology Industrial Revolution 4.0, such as the internet, continues to develop in surprising ways where today, our life, education, and business rely on it. People, specifically high school students, are the majority using the internet in all countries, which means they have a higher risk of being exposed to cyber risk. However, some academic research has been done on cyber risk among high school students in Malaysia. Therefore, this thematic review (TR) aims to synthesise literature from 2018 to 2022 on the cyber risk among high school students using ATLAS.ti 22. A keyword search, followed by a filter using inclusion criteria from SCOPUS and Science Direct, identified 179 peer-reviewed journal articles. Yet, after the inclusion and exclusion process, only 33 articles were used as the final articles to be reviewed. A thematic review identified four clusters: cyber risk types, cyber risk effects, victim characteristics, and cyber risk prevention. Hence, this paper incorporates the latest information on cyber risk examples that high school students usually face. The findings will help future research on eliminating the cyber risk for high school students. They can serve as a directive and a remedy for the education sectors and policymakers to address the cyber threat.


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How to Cite
Diana, I., Ismail, I. and Zairul, M. (2023) “Cyber Risk among High School Students: A Thematic Review”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 8(4), p. e002251. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v8i4.2251.