Factors Affecting Secondary School Teachers' Intention to Use Education 4.0 in UAE: A UTAUT Analysis
The development of education 4.0, driven by information technology, is a crucial aspect of secondary school education in today's fast-paced world. However, limited empirical research exists on how UAE institutions engage with education 4.0, and little attention has been paid to the factors influencing the actual use of technology in this context. Previous studies have tended to focus predominantly on e-learning, students, and universities, rather than on factors driving the intention to use education 4.0. While previous research has identified various important factors affecting users' intention to use technology in developed countries, the factors may differ in the context of developing countries like the UAE. The factors include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, which were identified through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. To address this literature gap, this study seeks to investigate the factors influencing UAE secondary school teachers' intention to use education 4.0 building on already established antecedents and factors.
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