The Influence of Facilitating Condition and Perceived Usefulness on Intention to Use Mobile Applications in Uganda
Despite the fact that financial technology has received considerable attention in the macro-financial market sectors and in micro-financial units such as philanthropic works, in Uganda its actual use in Muslim Sacco's is very low. This research examines the effects of facilitating conditions and perceived usefulness on intention to use mobile application in Muslim Sacco's in Uganda. The underpinning theory of the study is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This quantitative study examined the effect of facilitating condition and perceived usefulness on mobile applications users’ intention. The study employs SmartPLS to analyze the data from 229 respondents. It was discovered that the facilitating condition had a considerable positive impact on mobile applications users’ intention, hence, supporting H1. Simultaneously, perceived usefulness was revealed to have a considerable impact mobile applications users’ intention, supporting hypothesis H2. Such studies will form the groundwork for numerous inquiries to come purposely to expand the knowledge about the factors that influence technology usage in Uganda.
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