ESL Teachers’ Views on the Implementation of CEFR in Reading Skill
One of the most essential elements of learning English is the ability to read fluently. Mastering reading skills among ESL (English as a Second Language) learners is important in this global environment as it helps to widen their vocabulary acquisition and gradually helps them to enhance their other language skills. Although there is a large volume of published studies describing the implementation of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) in the English education system, these studies have not dealt with the implementation of CEFR specifically in reading skill. Thus, this study aims to find out more about ESL teachers’ views on the implementation of CEFR in reading skill. Besides that, the findings of the study will be able to identify the current arising issues or challenges in the teaching of reading skill. Data for this study was gathered through an online survey which was participated by 42 primary ESL teachers from Negeri Sembilan. The findings revealed that primary ESL teachers have mixed views on the implementation of CEFR in reading skill in terms of applicability. Although, the findings suggest that CEFR improves ESL learners’ reading skills, the results revealed that there is a need to adapt and modify CEFR related reading texts to fit in the Malaysian context with a local touch. Thus, the findings of this study provide useful information for other researchers who are interested in analysing the need of adapting the CEFR textbooks and reading texts to be in line with the Malaysian context.
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