Chinese Older Adults' Motivations and Preferences for Television Watching During the Pandemic
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries implemented lockdown measures, which significantly impacted individuals' mental well-being, particularly older adults. As a pervasive medium, television constitutes a vital resource upon which this demographic relies, and is posited to bolster their psychological health. Given the rapid growth of the aging population in China and the ongoing implementation of the Dynamic Covid-zero strategy, it becomes imperative to examine the preferences and motivations underlying television consumption amongst older adults during this era, an aspect often neglected in extant literature. In the present investigation, semi-structured interviews employing qualitative methodologies were conducted with a sample of 19 older adults, followed by tertiary coding utilizing NVivo software. The findings reveal a substantial increase in television viewership among older Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key motivations underpinning their television consumption include recreation, information acquisition, social engagement, and educational purposes. Furthermore, their programmatic preferences encompass news, dramatic productions, variety programs, and sporting events.
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