The Impacts of Undi 18 on Political Participation, Awareness and Readiness
The implementation of Undi18 on December 15, 2021, added an estimated 5.8 million new voters aged 18 and older to Malaysia's political landscape. While some see this as a timely move to introduce young people to civic responsibility and encourage active participation, others argue that 18-year-olds are too immature and have low awareness with only 29.03% of the youth participating in the political socialization domain. Consequently, it is crucial to assess the level of awareness and readiness among young people and their readiness to actively engage as voters. This study aimed to assess the level of youth awareness and readiness towards Undi18, examine the extent of their political participation, and analyse factors influencing their awareness and readiness. The study was conducted in Kuching, Sarikei, and Sri Aman, with 585 first-time voters aged 18 to 20 years surveyed via a questionnaire and 30 respondents in focus group discussions. The study found that parental involvement, political experience, social media exposure, educational exposure, and perception of and relationships with politicians were the five main factors influencing youth political participation and awareness and readiness towards Undi18. Geographical factors did not affect the level of awareness and readiness regarding Undi18. Despite the majority of respondents being aware of Undi18 and ready to participate as voters, a significant number were not prepared for higher forms of political participation.
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