Exploring Reasons for Learning English and Burnout Among Pre-University Students
English is crucial to achieve academic success and fulfil social needs of the language in today’s society. Several studies have reported that the reasons for learning English could facilitate learners to learn the language more seriously with the aim to be proficient and successful in acquiring the language. However, the reasons for learning the English language may be a factor that could lead to academic burnout. Therefore, this study explored the reasons for learning English and burnout among pre-university students. A quantitative approach was done to investigate reasons for learning English and its relation to students’ burnout. The survey used was derived from Pintrich and De Groot’s (1990) reasons for learning and Campos et al.’s (2011) causes of burnout. A purposive sample of 271 UiTM Centre of Foundation Studies students responded to the survey. The findings of this study revealed the affective component was the most significant cause of academic burnout due to maladaptive perfectionism whereby learners were concerned about making mistakes especially when they focused on learning English to excel in tests and examinations. Conclusively, the relationship between the reasons for learning English language and cause of burnout has prominent implications for academic institutions and educators to foster a positive and successful learning environment by providing resources and assistance programmes for students to manage academic difficulties and social stresses in English language learning.
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