Leadership for Technology Integration in Teaching Mathematics: A Comparative Study Between Two Private Institutions
The calling for technology integration in teaching mathematics has become louder as mathematics enables advanced understanding of concepts in other STEM subjects. However, technology integration in teaching mathematics has posed challenges for curriculum leaders and teachers. Hence, this study intended to investigate the curriculum change process involving technology integration from the principals' perspectives and their leadership approach to effective curriculum change management. The study adopted a qualitative research method. Data were collected via email interviews with two principals managing private institutions that offer the same math program for primary school students. The findings showed that Rogers’ diffusion of innovation model supported the curriculum change process involving technology adoption in teaching mathematics. In addition, the principals were found to have distinct perspectives on curriculum change implementation and, hence, had adopted different leadership approaches in managing curriculum change. The findings of this study imply that future leadership development programs should focus on developing transformational leadership qualities that enhance curriculum change processes.
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