Impact of Communication to Culture Values of Buton Sultanate in the Coastal Communities in Buton Regency Southeast Sulawesi Province Indonesia
The research was conducted in two sub district of Buton regency namely Pasar Wajo and Siotapina. The major objective of the research was to determine impact of communication to culture values of Buton sultanate in the coastal communities in Buton regency Southeast Sulawesi Province – Indonesia. Specifically, the research to determine impact of television to the knowledge of respondent used to obtain culture values of Buton sultanate messages among the coastal people in Buton regency, to determine the frequency and duration of media used to obtain knowledge of culture value messages among the coastal people in Buton regency. The differentiation between selected of interpersonal communication variable with the knowledge on culture values of Buton sultanate of respondents both of sub district in Buton regency were also included as the objective of this research. The sub district were selected base on their population density. Respondents were personally interview using structured questionnaires. Samples of 99 respondents from the area namely 50 respondents of Pasar Wajo sub district and 49 repondents from Siotapina sub district , which the both sub district were in coastal area , exposed mass media , interpersonal communication, group communication to the knowledge on culture values of Buton sultanate . The result indicated that most of the respondent in both sub district in Buton regency have high level of knowledge in receiving culture values of Buton sultanate messages . Status of knowledge which was supposed to be highly influenced by the degree of exposed to the various television channel used was also proven in this research.
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