Examining Malaysian Chinese Lexical Variations in Newspaper Discourse: A Standard Chinese in China Perspective

  • Ma Jin Akademi Pengajian Bahasa(APB), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • Peng Hwa Chong Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, UiTM Cawangan Johor, Kampus Pasir Gudang, Jalan Purnama, Bandar Seri Alam, 81750 Masai, Johor, Malaysia.
  • Ai Chat Lee Akademi Pengajian Bahasa(APB), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Keywords: Malaysian Chinese (MC), Lexical Variations, Newspaper Discourse, Standard Chinese in China (SCC), Language Contact


This study aims to examine Malaysian Chinese (MC) lexical variations in newspaper discourse from a Standard Chinese in China (SCC) perspective. Through qualitative content analysis, the research explores the reasons behind the formation of MC lexical variations, providing insights into the dynamic evolution of the Chinese language within diverse cultural and geographical contexts. Data for this research were collected from “Sin Chew Daily” (Online) during October to December 2023 in Malaysia. Microsoft Excel software facilitated data processing, aiding the researcher in analysis and interpretation. The theoretical framework guiding this study is grounded in the theory of language contact, seeking to understand how linguistic interactions and influences contribute to the divergence in MC lexical variations. The findings illustrate that the primary drivers for the emergence of MC lexical variations are the influences of Malay, English, Hokkien, and Cantonese. The study also acknowledges potential limitations and challenges in the analysis process, such as data availability and subjectivity in word classification. Through this comprehensive analysis, the study aims to enrich academic discussions on language dynamics in multicultural societies and provide insights for language planning and policymaking in diverse linguistic contexts.


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How to Cite
Jin, M., Chong, P. H. and Lee, A. C. (2024) “Examining Malaysian Chinese Lexical Variations in Newspaper Discourse: A Standard Chinese in China Perspective”, Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 9(5), p. e002839. doi: 10.47405/mjssh.v9i5.2839.