Evaluating The Impact of E-Governance on Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of Bangladesh
This study examines the impact of electronic governance (e-governance) on public service delivery in Bangladesh, focusing on the benefits and challenges of implementing e-governance initiatives. E-governance has enabled citizens to participate in decision-making, improved communication within government agencies, and enhanced transparency and accountability. The Bangladesh government has taken initiatives to enhance public services through ICT, aligning with the "Digital Bangladesh" vision. However, obstacles in implementing e-governance include a lack of infrastructure, skilled manpower, and public awareness. The study recommends addressing these challenges to enhance ICT-induced public service delivery. The study highlights the interrelation between e-governance and good governance, emphasizing the importance of ICT in achieving accountability and transparency in public administration. Overall, the study underscores the need to overcome barriers and leverage e-governance for effective public service delivery and digital transformation in Bangladesh.
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