Enhancing Pedagogical Teaching in Forestry and Environmental Science Through Ecopark in Ifugao: A Case Study
The field-based learning in an ecopark also known as Ecological Trail and Reservation Site of Indigenous Trees (ECOTRIS) located in Ifugao State University, Philippines, plays an essential role in evolving pedagogical teaching, particularly in forestry and environmental science. This case study examines how ECOTRIS serves as a dynamic, hands-on learning environment, fostering experiential education in key areas such as morphology, taxonomy and dendrology, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and sustainable land use practices. ECOTRIS, with its diverse ecosystem of indigenous trees, wetlands, and endemic species, offers students a real-world setting to apply theoretical knowledge and advance practical skills in sustainable management in forestry and environmental science. One of the most important contributions of ECOTRIS is the integration of real life identification of trees in the field into the teaching curriculum. This allows for a holistic approach to education, where traditional classroom simulation practices and sustainable forest management techniques are explored alongside modern scientific concepts. The site also provides a unique platform for studying the relationship between forest ecosystems and soil health, facilitating lessons on pedology, erosion control, and the role of trees in nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. ECOTRIS is also instrumental in teaching students about biodiversity conservation, serving as a refuge for various endemic and endangered species. Using quantitative methods (correlation analysis) and qualitative feedback, results reveal that ECOTRIS-based learning significantly improves student performance, engagement, and comprehension of biodiversity and sustainability.
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