Water Consumption Trend among Students in a University’s Residential Hall
In a university, student can be considered as the largest proportion of the campus residents. A university has to allocate high costs to cover student facilities with a very restricted fund. It is important to understand how the student used these facilities. Hence, in this study, a trend of water consumption among student was investigated. The objective is to identify the amount of water usage per person and the difference between genders. To measure the water consumption among student, water meter reading (in litres) was done by observing every block of student’s hostels at randomly selected days within five weeks. The collected water meter reading (in litres) was analysed using descriptive and some statistical hypothesis tests. From the analysis, it was found that the average daily water consumption of students in the residential halls is exceed average water demand which is 250 litres/student that provided by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN). In addition, female student found to consume more water than male student. These outcomes showed that the university should take some initiatives to enhance student awareness on the importance of saving their daily water usage.
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