Impact of Crime on Socio-Economic Development: A Study of Karachi
This study was conducted to explore the impact of crime on socio-economic development of the country. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the increasing crime rate and to know its influences on socio-economic progress. To examine the crime and its impacts on country development, a field survey was conducted and questionnaires was developed to understand the ground situation. For the purpose of the interviews the members of the community were selected by using simple random sample technique. This study is found that crime rate is cumulative due to dissimilar socio-economic snags like, poverty, unemployment, uses of drugs, etc. Further this study highlights the causes and recommends possible solutions for the curbing the threat of crime in Karachi. The main focus of this research paper is to find out the pathways to overcome crime in Pakistan.
Key words: Crime, Socio-Economic, Development, Karachi
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