Body narratives in the film Marry My Dead Body: Symbols, Power, History
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the body narrative in the Taiwanese comedy film Marry My Dead Body, exploring how bodily representations serve as a vehicle for examining Taiwan's complex social and cultural contexts. Utilizing Foucault's theory of discourse and power, this study investigates the narrative strategies and power dynamics embedded in the film's portrayal of bodies. The contrasting depictions of human, ghostly, and gendered bodies dissolve conventional fears surrounding ghosts and death, while simultaneously addressing the contentious issue of same-sex marriage. Through the characters Mao Mao and Ming Han, the film reflects Taiwan's intricate social fabric, where traditional and modern gender roles intersect. Mao Mao’s body symbolizes Taiwan's evolving gender culture, while Ming Han's body embodies traditional Chinese gender symbols, making bodily representation a multifaceted carrier of cultural, social, and historical meanings. This analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of gender culture in Taiwan, challenging the conventional view of LGBTQ+ representation in contemporary Taiwanese cinema.
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