Cultural Identity of Lat’s Cartoons in the Context of ‘Malaysia Madani’
Malaysians' varied perceptions of cartoons, often undervalued as mere entertainment despite their deep cultural and societal resonance. Hence, it prompted the researchers to explore the denotation and connotation of cultural significance in Malaysian cartoons, particularly in the works of Lat. The cartoons were selected for this study because of their ability to capture the essence of Malaysian society, culture, and identity through humor and social commentary. The objectives of this study are to quantify the portrayal of the colour, meaning and relationship between these elements in Lat’s cartoons to represent local cultural identity in the context of ‘Malaysia Madani’. Through the quantitative content analysis method with 248 visuals from Lat’s cartoons by exploring the Madani concept through themes of these cartoons, the study unleashes a diverse range of societal issues and viewpoints; the prominence of the themes indicates areas of significance, relevance, and engagement. The findings demonstrate that Lat’s cartoons effectively communicate the benefits of the Madani concept, encouraging Malaysians to be sustainability-oriented and compassionate for others, regardless of race or religion, thereby fostering harmony and unity. For further suggestions, the government and education sectors should use cartoons to promote knowledge transfer and community engagement.
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