The Challenge and Response of Network Security in The Era of Artificial Intelligence
With the emergence of artificial intelligence, new situations, new problems, and new challenges in the field of network security are emerging one after another, affecting the global economic pattern, development pattern, and security pattern, also putting forward higher requirements for network security assurance. Nowadays, cases of using fake audio and video such as AI face-changing and AI voice-changing to commit new cybercrimes occur occasionally. From the individual level, artificial intelligence lowers the threshold for personal cybercrime. At the social level, artificial intelligence forges false information that misleads the public and poses a certain threat to people’s property. This article aims to analyse the function of artificial intelligence and discuss the impact of emerging technologies on social development. This article by comparing domestic and foreign researches on artificial intelligence, using a qualitative research methodology with case studies and literature, and expresses views and ideas regarding the laws about artificial intelligence. The article finds that maintaining network security is the common responsibility of the whole society and requires the joint participation of governments, social organisations, and the majority of netizens. Therefore, it is suggested that other security risks that may be caused by artificial intelligence in the future, should be prevented based on risk prevention, and active use laws and regulations to regulate and guide. Secondly, by referring to the law, ensuring the protection of personal information, and standardise the cyber security environment is so significant. Finally, carry out online publicity and education to improve the network security awareness.
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